Corrected count We have 6 males & 1 female - Thor x Angel pups have arrived. They are 2x Lobo, 2x Paco & 7x Monster G. They were born October 15th. They are $2500 each including shipping.
Angel & here pups 1 day old
-- Edited by SnowmanKennels on Tuesday 19th of October 2010 01:12:21 AM
Whats up with all the peeping, 47 views and only 3 people know what they are lookin at???? Come on, if no one else can see that this is bad ass, then something is wrong! ST8 to the TOP we GO!! 7X Monster G, 2X Lobo, 2X Paco..Speaks for itself!! ^^^
I got the BLOOD!! All I need and then SOME!! Gunner is now closed to the public except those whom are already locked in...
Nice lookin pics, of course they are privledged! But some Hitters all day long in this litter to. Acually I like this litter better myself! But no one has to take my word for it...You all will see when the time comes, HAHAHA
I got the BLOOD!! All I need and then SOME!! Gunner is now closed to the public except those whom are already locked in...
I like these boys, couple I'd like to keep myself but I need to stock up on some females so. Somebody is gettin some really nice pumpkin head pups. @ 2 weeks old and they look like bobble heads with shorts muzzles. From what I can see of the pics they have nice bone size as well. There only 2 weeks old so we will see in a few more weeks whats up with them!!
I got the BLOOD!! All I need and then SOME!! Gunner is now closed to the public except those whom are already locked in...