Notorious G an Kalia's, 9 Pups were born on July 2, 2010, They are all doing great! They are 3 wks 4 days old. There are 6 pups left available!!! These pups have great ancestors & pedigree's & beautiful parents, they are going to be incredible. Puppies will be ADBA registered, first shots , dewormed, and come with a Pitbull Puppy Info Packet. If/When you are interested please send me your email add. and we will send you more pics of the pups now, and we will send you pictures once they are 3wks old. The prices will range from 2,500 to 1,200 depending on the pic. More pics available upon request. You can also call/text 717 424 0434 with any questions. See this video To view a video of the ancestors