thanks to rodney and mario form ntk for helping me produce patron one if not the hardest rolex sons in the world
and to the bully world i am sorry for not really screening people like eddie from a 831 fullies
i am sorry that such a crook and a coward owns the best rolex son to hit the scene
i am sorry he is one if not the biggest bitches to hit the game right now, just know i did not know i was hooking up a crook and a snitch/thief
but know this
i just purchased patrons and jazzmens littermate sister and the saga continues
with this heavy hitter litter..
all luv the the g line fam bam it is not your fualt eddie is what he is
so sorry fam i was blaming every one for promoting his actions, i wish he would meet me and not run every time he seen me , but it shows his charactor and if he was legit , why would he hide like weres waldo, so with that being said sorry monster gliners , i know you love this bloodline and im sorry crooks like eddie fuck it up for the rest of the world , but it is what it is , and you can count on me producing more fire with monster g in the peds.. all luv fam and let me know when we can do real story on monster g with about 3-5 pages for the world to see..
this sh*t dont hurt me cause patron does nothing for me i will never use him cause he been sh*ted on too much and he stinks right about now so with that being said HOMIE no one fu*ked nothing up for the gliners (U FEEL ME)