I feel U too... It is getting real old....Honestly I don't know who's telling the whole truth but I know this Benny has done a lot of people wrong include me.Benny is dirty, he is not going to fight fair.This is how I see it you win some, you lose some.Karma always prevails.Remember this Benny is sociopath he is so deep into his there no turning back for him.I have been reading Benny posts for weeks know, on this matter. It's progress as the weeks when by,Started off with Eddie not givin him credit and being a co-owner.Now it's straight up his dog.Not only that he contradict himself all the time.
Hey fighting isn't gonna tell the truth. One person gonna get beat down the other isn't. How is that tellin the truth?????? That's stupid in my book! I don't understand why now??? Patron is like what going on 4 years old???? WHY NOW???? And benny brotha you always sayin Patron was stolen from you but never Candy before always Patron..... Now all of a sudden Candy was stolen also. I talked to you on the phone before and heard both sides of the story and the whole world knows you produced Patron brotha it's in the fine print of every pedigree can't no one ever take that from you. You put it in your magazine and put it out there for everyone to see. I know you got the blood in your yard and have big plans.It takes a bigger man to throw up a deuce and say FUCK IT ..... KARMAs a BITCH!!!!! And always tells the truth. Only you guys know what happened but seriously this shit is gonna get everyone banned off the boards . This is just the way I see it
mid nite ya we spoke on the phone and i told u i was co owner , didi you check with ukc bout thatm bet you did not becuase the truht hurts the reason why i have not been saying anything this whole time is cuase eddie used all his conections with the monster g liners and had me banned from all the boards, trying to get rid of me, it only made me stronger, homie
if ukc says i am co owner what that tell you, and as far as candy goes i was not gonna make a bif deal untill he had a litter off patron and made mind freak and wanted to hang her and the pups 2
if im lying then why can't eddie answer those simple questions , i mean these questions are simple im back on the boards whether people like it or not , they tryied to wash me out of the game but we still swimmin, and i swear eddie is a crook, every one sees it and every one knows it, and this is the reason why they telling him stop being a bitch what you scared of eddie if your telling the truht then the questions should of been answered and you should have been able to prove your case agianst shark line, but he con not becuase he robbed me homie and i do not let shit go i will get what owed to me one way or another if not im gonna continue to smut this fool all day every day , and dennis carey aka under my nuts, please homie i continue to clown you on all accusations you have no physical proof , other then hear say and fake ass rumors, with bull shit pictures etc.. don't be mad cuase we make clones all day brah ! you know we do , for this is the reason why you have the bloodline 2
so eddie mann up and do the right thing if not then keep hiding and crewing up with all these different crews lol... cuase you are a bitch snicth
but if you mann up and give me what is owed ill let it go eddie that i can guarantee
im a man of for giveness and im all for the better of the breed but you need to mann up and tell the truth some how some day you gonna tell it , if not then the whole world sees your a bitch and a crook.....
and for the record call felix from pitblvd and ask if eddie was trying to paper hang candy or not.... you will see the truth for your slef
call ukc and aks if ben gallego was co owner of shark line's specie aka patron and ask if i was co owned with eddie or his wife a girl who i did not make the deal with, he knows what he did and he knows why he did it
when he was lying to the world and telling them i bought patron out right and benny is just hating
ya im hating on the fact that you robbed me eddie do your homework fellas, and youll find out the truth no doubt.. fuck dennis and eddie these are the biggest crooks in the game and thats a promise
and under my nuts like i siad before show your self bitch if not no one gonna listen to you even on gottiline baord hetik kennels hate your bitch ass too lol...
I understand where you coming from but I know you're a business man and you told me you were in a lawsuit with UKC right? So take Eddies ass to court you said in posts your not into suing people but your in a lawsuit with UKC. Do it legally and prove your point brotha. If you have all the paperwork like you are saying take him to court bro. You say your for better the breed then what is a youtube video fighting over a dog (bully , pitbull) gonna do for the lil image we still have. Be smart about it and don't get all caught up into trouble bro. Just resolve it already in a positive way brothas
no i said i tryied to sue ukc and i said im not into calling cops or sueing someone personally on they lively hood, how ever a corperation like ukc is different, you can get chedder from them , but when i tryied to sue ukc they susupended me with a 500 dollor fine , lol.. so i siad that was the best thing they could have done , cuase now i do not and will not let pups go with this paper hung registry, i also told you , now you can call ukc and by law they have to tell you the truth about patron now since i tryied to sue them, before they were not saying anything,and no they have to tell you that i was co owner and that he was purchased under co owning with ben gallego under eddie wifes name and that i did not sell the dog out right to eddie or his wife , now your trying to make me sound stupid homie, but i tryied to be nice i tryied to be humble and eddie is not trying to make the situation better instead he called the cops and put a retrianing oder on me ,called the cops... what that tell you ,who is trying to get who in trouble , becuase i will not sue eddie, im not a snitch like that, but i will let the truth be told on what it is homie.
now my question to you is, if you were offered 5grand to fight live online on you tube and it was a guy who robbed you, not only for a dog like patron, but also a dog you purchased off of another mans yard felix pitblvd, candy , you would not try to make it happen , come on homie put your self in my shoes, if eddie robbed you what would you do....
so like i said call ukc find out the truth for your self then back me up and tell eddie to man up , i meanhe is bigger then me, the odds are agianst me , he will win 5 grand , if not then tell the truht and stop lying is all i ask of him and give me what is owed to me,,..
Bro I am not trying to make no one look stupid. I am just sayin take his ass to court like everyone in the U.S. does. You have all your proof and paperwork so fuck the lively hood of him if he did you wrong get yours feel me. I did call them and they said you were co-owner of sharkline species at one time. They also said you were suspended/banned from UKC and you told me your side of that also, so no one knows the truth but YOU, EDDIE , and GOD bro. And would I fight for 5k and this and that . . . . Honestly i'm not that type of person bro because I won't allow anything like this to go that far as seeing what can go down without contracts.. I feel you and what your sayin but serious I think everyone has heard both sides of the story and everyone is gonna believe who they want to believe, it's human nature. That's why i'm saying court is gonna see the evidence and award whoever they believe proves there case. BOOM DONE DADA ...
And Benny not once have I taken any sides or tried to make anyone look stupid just pointing things out and wanna see this get resolved because the boy Patron is nice !!!
-- Edited by MidnightCreeper on Monday 25th of January 2010 09:47:06 PM
bro the whole reason why eddie robbed me for my dog is becuase he knows im not a cop caller or a snitch plus it is not his kids fualt and or patron's fualt he did what he did so i am glad you called ukc, they hate me right now cuase they know im gonna smutt them all day , if you look at how much i made them in the last 5yrs , it is somthing like 500 k threw all the pups and so forth , so they mad cuase im gonna continue to breed , but not give them a cent more, so of course they are gonna say i am suspended, and i will be untill i pay them they 500 dollor fine , but the way i see it if it was not for them , even a simple phone verification we would not be in this perdicament, but becuase they care about no one who registeres with them except the pay check they continue to false paper who ever and when ever, look how they did monster g and riader 2, they let those papers be hing and the sad part about it , is they know it is faulty yet threw the yrs registered dogs and more dogs regardless , what was right for the history, so fuck ukc they scandeless
and fuck eddie mano y mano for his badd 5k on the table unless he manns up and tells the truth him slef instead of me making him look like the biggest bitch to hit the bully game lol..
glad you found out the truth and you know i am not lying but lets keep it real , you have paton blood and if you admit the truth then what that make your dog,, real papers , or fake ...
i know and so does every one else,
so mann up eddie im not a snitch or a bitch mann up.....
I do have a Patron offspring and ukc papers and to there knowledge and mine she is legit. You can't bash on people with Patron offspring like I said no one knows the truth about what happened but you, eddie, and god. And yes karma is a bitch and always comes when least expected and the liar will feel it. And like you said before Silk is in all the offspring PEDs so you still gettin recognition one way or another and no one can deny that to you brotha.
Benny,Benny.... I'm not Dennis.....but I'll tell you this,the stuff I've been postin about you has to be true because why would you blame him.He must have the same info....
Benny have you ever co-owned dog and litter, sold both without the other owners permission? YES
Is the white dog(she is not off of Monster & Baby Blue) on your website paper hung? YES
When you reg. a litter do you get extra papers just in case you want to paper hang a dog? YES
you say it has to be true like your bullshiting homie , come on dennis is the only one who seen this litter and he knows weda was part of it, he has phony pictures of the litter and tryied to keep her a secret so he could shut the game down etc.. but as soon as i seen what a ripp off he was i cancelled his contract.. so i could care less what you say you obvously spoke to dennis lol...
but heres my question for you...
under my nuts do you hide under a fake screen name ? yes
are you one if not the biggest bitches in the world ? yes
will you show your self and or your dogs ? no
do you have anything worth fighting for ? no
and have i shut down all your accusations ? yes
just read the post on this board, it does not matter what you say , when you hide behind a fake screen name, your a bitch ..
if i have robbed you then show your self and speak on the litter i robbed you on , then lets box and you tube ... live ....for the world to see....
im am tired of people talking all the bullshit they talk for now on come here with proof if not your talking bullshit........
and for now on i wanna box who ever accuses me in the wrong when all i do is right by these dogs and produce hitters for every one to have fun with so fuck it, under my nuts lets box on u tube , you will be next after eddie...
i am not afraid of no man , and i do my best, to strive to make the best ,out of every sale it is called customer service, somthing lots of breeders do not do..., so quit talking bullshit and show your self and or your dogs under my nuts....
Reveal myself to sociopath like you, I don't think so, no thanks.From the sound of it, you have money and you are the worse kind of sociopath.
You haven't shut down anything.DNA the white dog, she doesn't look like her littermates in anyway color,body shape, bone structure and muscle tone.Anybody can go to your website, Tell me that dog looks like Santana,Silk or Physique.