What ya think about this 1 GLINE??? All the greats that started most foundations in the first 4 MONSTER G MONSTER BIG BOI DILLINGER ROLEX REMY OZONE ELLIS COUNTY ALLSTARS GREY GOOSE SEAN PRICE rip What am I expecting BIG BLOCKY DOMES 24 ++++ plus CRAZY SHORT MUZZLES (2fingers muzzles as wide as ya fis...
This is Apollonia Teardrop (One Drop x Lucky (2x Payaso, 2x Monster G) She is 12 weeks in the picture! let me know what you all think.. also in the picture is my 2x One drop Male pup, Don Corleon (One Drop x Nani (One drop x Impala (Monster x Xena). Im planning on breeding the 2 when the time is right! what you g...