doubleedgepitbulls, i know what you mean bro on that part about getting the comments on a post, lol...not many on here but just us who stick around and show the love as some come and go. You get props from me anytime bro, im feeling the one blue eye and brown eye and that pup is adorable next to her! Keep doing your thing homie
thanks Zoo York. MY male above is the dad to the little female in one of the pictures with him. This board used to be good about getting comments but it seems like if your not a big named kennels or the owner of a huge stud you can forget about it. Thanks alot. This guy is my main stud and he's still young
I know Brenda you're one of a kind. I'd like to have a banner with my Boy Sampson and Payaso together that would be nice nice nice. I can't wait to see your pups I want a tri or a pup that carries the tri gene cause on Sampson's moms side his gr grdad is a tri so I'm pretty sure he'll produce tri if bred to a female as of i mentioned above. What's gonna be your prices on your pups if she took. Why Why I said what I did about getting comments is b/c I posted pics of my girl Bossy(Sampson's daughter and I think i might have got 1 or 2 comments. Thanks Brenda