*********Attention******** This is a public service announcement!
I dont know what the deal is with some of the people on here but this is a message board yall. Now we all may be dog breeders, but thats not all we have to post up. All of these post do not have to be about dogs. Anything that anyone wants to share, post it up. As long as its not negative! On our last messsage board we use to discuss everything from football to boxing and from news to politics. So please post something up people. And for those who are viewing posts and not leaving comments. I dont know what the deal is with that. We are all G-line brothers and sisters on here, so show love to everyone one here. If you like what you see, then show love and props and tell them that. If you dont like what you see, then in a positive way, let us know what you dont like about it! I'm just tryin to find ways to live'in up the board and make it more exciting. I sent an email to Bear (check it and let me know what you think) on some suggestions on doin that. But mainly post up more topics and show love and give credit where credit is do!
the thing is... everyone expects to get love on here but dont give love in return, or particpate and inneract with others... give love and recieve love... no predjudice just all love...
my boy made me a forum... but i think we can do better! this boards cool. but, im looking for my kind of interacting! bullshiting football hbo showtime talk it out! and u shouldn't have too b a member to view! that's redickulos! and why?
You can talk about football or other sports. Bring up the topic and ppl will post. You have to be a member to be a part of it, ya dig. Fellas livin this bitch up.
Thanks for commenting homies. Its good to see some people see what im talking but people still aren't commenting even though i see an ass of views lol. but its all good! I guess im just have to post the topics on here. So trust me i will do that.
Bear - I seen what you been saying so i knew you would feel and like this post.
StanislausBully - Thanks for commenting. Like i said watch out cause i will be posting up alot of new post. As far as being a member to be on this board, I dont think its ridiculous but i do think it shuold be public but of course you got a be a member to post and comment. I think once this board livins up then maybe it will be made public.
Yaaj - Thanks and i will be lookin forward to reading and seeing your comments and post!
Mel - Preciate the comment and i wil be posting up more topics.